Disrupting the World Since 1989

Triple Point

Jan 13, 2023

I live in the triple point.
There is a space where liquid, gas and solid all meet and I am the mediator.
A combination of Bowie, Dali, Curie and Robin Williams.
I see you smiling Robin.
I see you laugh as I figure out there is nothing to figure out but only to explore.
To live would be an awfully great adventure.
And here we are worried about starting a sentence with and.
I’ve never been like the rest.
I never chose if I were to be a solid, liquid or gas.
There have been times when I was more solid than the rest, at times even more liquid and gas.
But when I am living at my full expression I am the triple point.
I am where the glacier meets the ocean and sky.
The exact spot where a droplet forms on an ice cube greeted by air.
The mediator of elements physical states.
Do you know this place?
You might be able to feel it when you’re in a trance.
We are the ribosomes in a cell of the universe.
Can you feel them looking at us under their microscope?
My constant change in form is how I manage to never get caught.
I don’t want to worry about getting caught anymore though.
I want to shine.
And I shine when I am the triple point.

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