$23.24 USD

Empower Your Voice: Self-Advocacy in Entrepreneurship and Business

Take Charge of Your Professional Destiny! Enroll in "Empower Your Voice" Today!

What you'll get:

  • Masterful Communication Techniques: Learn how to articulate your ideas clearly and persuasively, ensuring your voice is not just heard but respected in the business world.
  • Negotiation and Boundary-Setting Skills: Gain invaluable skills in negotiating effectively and setting boundaries, crucial for maintaining integrity and achieving favorable outcomes.
  • Personal Branding and Advocacy Strategies: Discover how to build and advocate for your personal brand, enhancing your professional presence and impact.

By enrolling in this course, you're not just gaining access to valuable content; you're investing in a transformative journey towards self-empowerment in business. With flexible learning options and a supportive community, you're set for a journey of growth and success.

Additional Details:

  • Lifetime access when you sign up before December 1st 2023
  • As the course grows you will continue to be updated with all new material 

Don’t wait to make your mark. Embrace the power of self-advocacy and propel your business to new heights. Click here to enroll now!


What People Are Saying:

So, before I crossed paths with Katie, I was on this super rigid life track. I had it all planned out—pre-med, med school, married by 25, you name it. But then, we got tight in our classes, and let me tell you, Katie's advice was a game-changer. I was having a total meltdown one day, stressed out of my mind, just chilling outside our psych class. And there she was, this incredibly giving and thoughtful human being. Seriously, the world doesn't deserve someone like her. Anyway, she plopped down next to me and asked why I was dead-set on my chosen path. I didn't really have a good answer. I guess I thought it was the surefire way to success. But Katie dropped some wisdom on me—told me I could do anything, urged me to dig deep and go after what I'm truly passionate about. Life's all about trial and error, she said. After that heart-to-heart, my whole life route did a 180. I graduated, took a breather, and eventually figured out nursing was my calling. And get this, I'm not married, and I'm totally cool with it! Katie completely flipped how I saw life and made decisions. I honestly think she could do that for anyone she meets. She's real, deep, caring, cool, and kind. Meeting her was like fate or something. So yeah, she totally rocks! 🚀


Katie; you helped mold me into me. I knew I always had a wild side. A part of me that was irrevocably not listening to my inner voice. Be careful, be considerate, be patient, it says. Yet sometimes you (we all) need to dig a step deeper off the path. We need that little nudge to set us straight. We need someone familiar in footprints off the path to follow, that come and go, to help guide us along a beach where the waves keep washing everything away. To show us there is no set path. Only a wander. But for a moment at least it seems , there is something familiar and friendly. That is Katie. I always seemed to be interested and yearning to listen, but taken aback when something or someone actually has anything to say. You have a lot to say and seemingly in such a short amount of time. Your footsteps are so permanent when you allow them. You have helped me to dig out that little yes in a sea of no’s to be okay with not being who I thought I was. You helped me be okay with the shadows and scary figures that told me I couldn’t break down. That I shouldn’t break down. That I was less if I did break, the part that said I wasn’t enough to feel so much. You feel, so much. You helped me dig through the depths to unearth me. You never dug for me, but you always gave me a light in the tunnel, a water bottle, a connection; and always have helped me grasp my shovel when I get tired. And for that, I am forever thankful for.


Reading 'Remember Who the Fuck You Are' by Katie Dickieson was a transformative experience. This powerful book delves deep into the themes of self-discovery and acceptance. Dickieson's candid and straightforward approach invites readers to embrace their true selves. The parallels between queerness and disability explored in this book are striking. Both queer individuals and those with disabilities often feel the need to mask their true selves to fit into societal expectations. The act of concealing one's identity can be emotionally draining and exhausting. However, 'Remember Who the Fuck You Are' reminds us that true empowerment lies in embracing our authentic selves and advocating for inclusivity and acceptance. By living openly and honestly, we can inspire change and foster a more inclusive society. As someone who identifies as being queer and having a disability, I found this book particularly impactful. The author's personal experiences and insights shed light on the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, offering guidance on navigating these obstacles without compromising our identities. It was empowering to read about someone who understands the struggles we go through and offers practical advice on asserting our needs and embracing our true selves. The book's mix of practical advice, personal anecdotes, and insightful perspectives creates a captivating narrative that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Dickieson's writing style is both relatable and thought-provoking, making it easy to connect with her stories and insights. I found myself nodding along and underlining passages throughout the book, as each page held a valuable lesson or perspective. In conclusion, 'Remember Who the Fuck You Are' is a genuinely empowering read that offers valuable guidance and support for individuals with disabilities and queer individuals alike. It encourages us to embrace our true selves, navigate the world's challenges, and find our rightful place without compromising our identities. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and empowerment on their journey. Katie Dickieson changed my life through self-discovery and acceptance.
